Wednesday, April 26, 2006

progress on the painting front

Now that the Cartooning course is done I can clean up some of my other commitments.

The portraits for my client are almost done. It has been a crash course, re-learning how to paint. All in all, the faces aren't bad. Kids faces are a heck of a lot harder to paint that adult faces, and little girl fingers are murder. I painted an extra (head only) portrait of the girl just to get a bit of practice in.

At the same time, I'm very parsimonious with paint. This means that when I squeeze a little out of the tube it must be used. If I see I have some that may go to waste I either prepare a new canvas with an earth ton base coat or start a new painting. there are about 10 at various stages right now and they are much more interesting than these two. Postings to follow some day soon. I have to have these two ready to mail next week, which has to include drying time.

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