Saturday, November 22, 2008

Sunday, November 09, 2008

Some abstract and/or self referential drawings

Swatches of Sharpy colours & brush pen

Green & Silver

Carbon pencil & pen. I called this,
"A Clever Blend Of Pain and Sweetness", but I dont recall why.

100 Strokes of Red Ball Point Pen,
Tracking and graphing average line lengths and start & finish points.

Friday, November 07, 2008

Thursday, November 06, 2008

Actual Size

Actual Size. Some leaf, I don't know what

Actual Size - nothing in particular

Atual Size, Maple Leaf

Actual Size.

It's actual size.

(you can click on images to enlarge)

Book 7

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

mint, down, bee.

The Leaves From My Mint Tea - Actual Size


Dieing Bumble Bee.

The bee was one of several that seemed to be sick and dieing on the deck this summer. They were staggering around like drunken sailors.

Book 7

poles & posts, posts & poles

Carville Ave. and Yong

Bullock Road and McCowan

Communication Tower, McCowan Road

fence post, McCowan & Bullock

Pole, Yonge & Spruce.

I began keeping these journals with the idea of drawing what ever happened to be in front of me when I have a moment to draw. There happen to be a lot of utility poles, lamp posr and communications towers around. I ususally carefully note the number and location of each one.

Saturday, November 01, 2008


YRT Bus loop, Keel and Rutherford. I was waiting for D so we could go get her glasses

Sunflower leaf.

Red Maple Leaf, Scarborough, Brimley & Huntingwood

Sunoco Gas, Yonge Street north of highway 7

No particular order here. Normally I'm a bit fussy about posting my drawings in the order they were drawn, but I just have a lot of catching up to do. There is a story that the first person to organize his books alphabetically was thought to be off his nut. What kind of a crazy way is that or organize things. Well, here am, temporarily putting aside a strict chronological order of one of subject matter. Pictures with landscapy subjects in the same post, instead of having only the sequence they were drawn in in common. Has sense come to me at last?

No. I assure you it has not.

Axial & Radial - Commuting

Axial & Radial composition. she wasn't thinking that, I was.

#9 spotting marker, Old Cmmer Station

TTC Transfer.

These date from summer, after attending TypCon08 in Buffalo. Some Ideas were still spinning around in my head. Meantime, I started using public transit to get out to work in Scarborough. Good intentions aside, the real reason being I was forced to by the fact our car was in in the shop getting a new clutch.