Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Some Images

-- Taken with my Olympus D-540 point-and-shoot digital camera, at night - illuminated by street lights or predawn ligh. Camere settings on "bright sunlight", max optical zoom, while moving the camera.
Corel Photo Paint filters applied.
#1, China Town, Dundas and Elizabeth Street, from Elizabeth Street, across from Japango, looking north towards the bus terminal.
#2, 16th Ave. west of Warden. This was a van turning the corner with the reflections of passing cars
#3, 16th and Hwy. 404, the northbound on-ramp and the light poles in the median.
I should provide Google Earth links to the exact locations each image is from. It really doesn't matter where the photos were taken since there is little or no resemblance between the image and it's location. Or, it is a resemblance that is difficult to glean as the elements of time and motion have been added.

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